The New Year is a great time for taking stock and making plans and here are Bradbury Sheerin's top 10 suggestions.


🔹 Make this the year that you protect the IP in your business. 

🔹 Contract on your terms and not those of your suppliers and customers. 

🔹 Have those important conversations with your fellow business owners about planned and unplanned sales of the business or your share in it.

🔹 Consider whether you could expand your business through joint venture, partnering or licensing.



🔹 Deal with your people performance before it affects your business performance.

🔹 Look after your staff so they look after your business and the bottom line.

🔹 Create a  plan to retain your talent as your business grows.

🔹 Facing a challenging year  - appoint a business coach ahead of the game to enable you to succeed. 

🔹 Recruit for attitude and train for skill. 


We know that sticking to resolutions are tough; however those that seek support are 10 times more likely to succeed than those that don't... Make 2015 the year that your business is a success story.


